FromSkills2Work is the digital platform of the Skills2Work project, led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) together with its partners Odnos, Fondazione Leone Moressa, the African Young Professional Network (AYP),Menedék, the Radboud University and the Foundation for Refugee Students (UAF). It is supported by the Dutch Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), the General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration of the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security, the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, the Italian Ministry for Employment and Social Policies, Directorate-General for Immigration and Integration Policies and the Slovak Pontis Foundation. The project is funded with support from the European Union.

The early validation of formal and informal competences is crucial for the successful labour participation of beneficiaries of international protection. The website offers information on services, organizations, projects and initiatives that support the identification of skills, knowledge and competencies of beneficiaries of international protection with a focus on nine EU Member States: Belgium, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

The platform constitutes an interactive directory of good practices across Europe, with updated information for employers, service providers and refugees about education and training opportunities, volunteering and working in Europe. It also shows employment success stories from migrants and their employers in each participating member state, includes Frequently Asked Questions on the topic of labour market integration and showcases the Skills2Work Newsletters detailing past and present activities under the project. Take a look at the Skills2Work platform here and share your feedback through the feedback Form!
For more information on the project, contact the Skills2Work project team in IOM the Hague:
This article has been written by IOM, the International Organisation for Migration. All the photos in the article are owned by IOM and hereby published on their permission.